Adopting Lulu: One year ago today


Today marks one year since I adopted Lulu. It feels like I've known her furever and yet it feels like just yesterday that she came home with a scraggly coat, skeletal little body, and a million rotten teeth. Understandably, she was frightened and sad and wasn't sure what kind of family she was being brought into. Luckily, for her (and for us) she fit right in and these days, you'd never guess she once suffered so much. She's a feisty 5lbs of pure delight. She loves chicken and egg more than she loves me and she loves teasing Djinn Djinn (who also loves teasing her).

She's actually about 6 years old (probably 7 now) so I've decided to celebrate her birthday and pup-iversary on the same day, and of course Djinn Djinn will also be celebrated (even though his birthday is July 1) because he's still the boss (when Lulu allows him to be). These two are crazy insane little creatures that have nothing but love to give.

A while back, I bought Djinn Djinn a dark green collar and it fits his personality perfectly and also makes him look quite sophisticated, if I do say so myself. For this special celebration, I bought Lulu the same type of collar except smaller and in a turquoise shade (a lot of Chihuahuas are often "dressed" in pink which I didn't want- Lulu is such a tomboy!). They both look so "complete" now and more than anything, I hope they're as happy as they make me. I mean, once you're a crazy dog lady, there's no turning back...

Here's to many, many more years of being best friends with these two...


  1. Aw how adorable! I'm sure Lulu is a lot happier since you adopted her! Love how she fits in your bag, so darling! I can't wait to get a dog one day :)

    Chow Down USA

    1. Thanks Chelsea! :) Yes, you definitely need to get a dog someday, they are the best!!
