Morro Bay Kite Festival








Can you remember the last time you flew a kite? I definitely haven't since childhood. I guess it's one of those activities that you either enjoy or just completely forget about. I think I was too young to enjoy and appreciate the art of kite flying for the longest time. But when I heard about this Kite Festival, having been to it before, I knew watching a bunch of people flying kites would be the next best thing to actually doing it myself. I also am such a fan of the ridiculous amount of bright colors floating in the sky. Also, can I just mention that it was an abnormally gray and windy day (hence the bundled up look) and though wind is my least favorite weather, I quickly remembered that kites would be nothing without the it (oh, duh). 

Oh! And take a look at that photo with the seagull- the poor little guy was literally struggling to fly against the wind (or maybe he thought the kites were a bunch of strange birds that were trying to out fly him). He (she?) finally gave up and just took to resting on top of an ice cream truck (smart bird). 

On a side-note, I got some real jeans for the first time in my life recently and I love them so much, I don't even want to take them off to throw them in the wash (but of course, you know, I do- most of the time ;) )

Outfit details: Jacket- Forever 21 (old)//Scarf- TJ Maxx//Levi Jeans via Kohl's

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