
All photos are taken from my instagram

I didn't get around to doing a little summary for the month of March so this blog will forever be March-less BUT I'm so glad to be doing one for April, which, by the way, really did go by super fast (I know I always say that people always say that, ha). Come to think of it, I suppose I could've blended both months together into this summary but I gotta be honest, I'm too lazy to re-do my little collage (I'm happy with the way it turned out).

I feel like I did so much this month. I read a whole lot. I really pushed myself to do activities that I had been meaning to do and really just took time to be free.

What I read: The Perfume Collector - Kathleen Tessaro


I know they say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but that's exactly what I did with The Perfume Collector and I'm not even sorry. It turned out to be one of the best reads in a long time. This captivating story by Kathleen Tessaro begins with a British girl who randomly receives a mysterious inheritance from a French woman she never even met. The whole story gracefully unwinds thereafter and is just so beautifully written- there really is no other way to describe this book, really. I feel like this story should be turned into a film, that's how good it is. I know most of us bloggers have a mountain high stack of books we need to finish reading but if you ever find yourself wondering what to read next, I'd most definitely recommend The Perfume Collector

On a side note, can I also just say how I usually don't like reading hardcover books because they're so clunky. But this one was the perfect "fit" for holding for long periods of time- I didn't even feel the need to take it out of its sleeve because it was comfortable to hold. I know, I know, I'm weird!

What book are you reading right at this moment? 

Morro Bay Kite Festival








Can you remember the last time you flew a kite? I definitely haven't since childhood. I guess it's one of those activities that you either enjoy or just completely forget about. I think I was too young to enjoy and appreciate the art of kite flying for the longest time. But when I heard about this Kite Festival, having been to it before, I knew watching a bunch of people flying kites would be the next best thing to actually doing it myself. I also am such a fan of the ridiculous amount of bright colors floating in the sky. Also, can I just mention that it was an abnormally gray and windy day (hence the bundled up look) and though wind is my least favorite weather, I quickly remembered that kites would be nothing without the it (oh, duh). 

Oh! And take a look at that photo with the seagull- the poor little guy was literally struggling to fly against the wind (or maybe he thought the kites were a bunch of strange birds that were trying to out fly him). He (she?) finally gave up and just took to resting on top of an ice cream truck (smart bird). 

On a side-note, I got some real jeans for the first time in my life recently and I love them so much, I don't even want to take them off to throw them in the wash (but of course, you know, I do- most of the time ;) )

Outfit details: Jacket- Forever 21 (old)//Scarf- TJ Maxx//Levi Jeans via Kohl's

Secret Pinterest boards


When I first joined Pinterest a while back, I mainly used it as a source for visual inspiration. I used it to look at the pretty fashion and travel photos and also pinned hundreds of food recipes that I knew I might never get around to making. But recently, I've started to use Pinterest for what it was made for: to get real life inspiration and apply it to real life situations. I've started making recipes I find on there, have favorite-d several DIYs, and have also created a few secret boards. Now, the nosy side of me is often curious about what kinds of secret boards other people are creating (I have heard some people say they make secret boards for when throwing a surprise party or a baby shower). Honestly, I only create secret boards for when I just don't want to bombard my followers with useless or repetitive photos (when I find photos of floor tiles, I can't pin just one and I know most people might get annoyed fast).

I thought it might be interesting to share a few of my secret boards with you. I know, it defeats the whole "secret" thing...


This board is for all the projects I'd like to attempt. I don't like them to be visible mostly because without sounding like a total snob, not all the DIY photos are the prettiest. I also don't pin enough DIYs to make it a visible board- I don't want to "waste" space by posting a board with only 10 pins.


This is a list of the affordable stuff I would like to buy for my wardrobe if I get a chance. I pin a lot of Forever 21 stuff and Swedish Hasbeens shoes. I know by the time I actually get around to making the purchases, they'll probably be unavailable or I won't even like it anymore...  


I'm pretty sure that every blogger has a board dedicated to blogging tips though I choose to keep mine private because honestly, most of my followers are not bloggers and could care less about blogging tips. Simple as that.


Not even kidding, I have  a whole secret board devoted to one of my guilty pleasures. It is one of my "goals" in life to try as many pizza recipes as possible (not just ones I make but also at restaurants). It is just one of the best foods ever and really, that's enough to justify it having a board of its own-- am I right or am I right? 

I'd love to hear about some of your "secret" boards...if you care to share! 

A visit to Kernville



This is officially the longest time I've gone without posting on here (thanks for your patience, by the way!) and I wish I could say I felt relaxed and rejuvenated while on "break" but I didn't. I missed being able to post on here- it is such a creative outlet for me. The only reason I couldn't post is because I was literally in the middle of nowhere and although I had planned to use wi-fi at a local library, it turns out, that particular library isn't quite up to date in that area of technology yet. SO, I had to rely on free internet from Burger King. It's so ridiculous how anxious I felt at first without the internet. Towards the end of my break, I was getting more used to being without it (and managed to go through a total of 9 books). Still, I'm glad to be back to having internet access and am definitely looking into a mobile hotspot for next time...




So part of my visit into the wilderness consisted of a visit to Kernville, a tiny old gold mining town in Kern County. It's a cute little town that's nice to visit for a day if you're looking to go Antique shopping, lounge by the Kern river and grab a bite to eat. It's quaint and peaceful- not words that you often associate with California. The photos pretty much speak for themselves. 

I have to say, I think maybe I've visited tiny towns like this a little too often because I hate to admit, I felt a bit bored after a while, a bit closed in (the town is only accessible through a long winding mountainous road). Don't get me wrong, I still appreciate the scenery very much but you know, I think I wouldn't mind stepping foot in a more urban area soon ...just for a change. :)

More posts about this area are here, here, and here.


